Maze Craze - Volume 2, Number 7, Maze 6:


  • Concept: Firefox © 1984 Atari, Inc.
  • Artist: Dana, aka Dad

Firefox was a 1984 Atari laserdisc-based coin-op arcade game based on the 1982 Clint Eastwood film of the same name, wherein his character steals and pilots an experimental Russian stealth jet.

Firefox is kind of a stange property to adapt into an arcade game. At first blush it appears to be part of the "novelty vehicle" segment of 80's nostalgia, like Blue Thunder and Airwolf and Knight Rider, but in stealth jet form. But the movie it was based on was, like Blue Thunder, more of a grim adult drama than an adventure movie for kids.The game involves selecting paths like "Canyon" or "Dogfight" and flying through video backgrounds of scenery whipping past, while shooting sprite-based overlaid missiles out of the air.